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Osteopathy at Dental Harmonia is a holistic approach that aims to restore balance to the body by treating the underlying causes of pain and dysfunction, providing natural and lasting healing.

Make an appointment:

03 760 9000

Our cares


Combining science, art and intuition, our qualified osteopaths are committed to offering you personalized care to improve your general well-being and quality of life.

How do we proceed?

During your osteopathy consultation at Dental Harmonia, we begin with a complete assessment of your posture, mobility and medical history. This assessment allows us to understand the imbalances and tensions that may be causing your symptoms. Then, through gentle and targeted manipulations, we work to restore balance to your body, thus promoting natural healing. Each session is tailored to your individual needs, ensuring a holistic approach to your health


You have a question ? We answer it

  • Although both disciplines focus on musculoskeletal health, osteopathy takes a more holistic approach, treating the entire body, while chiropractic focuses primarily on the spine.

Osteopathy sessions are generally gentle. You may feel slight discomfort during some manipulations, but most patients find the session relaxing.

The number of sessions depends on the nature and severity of your condition. After your initial assessment, your osteopath will provide you with a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

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